Safety glazing material, 101.125 (2)
Seeds, 94.38 to 94.46
Label locations, 94.385
Soil additives, 94.65 (5)
Trademarks, see Trademarks
Tuberculin, Brucella organisms, 95.39
Turpentine, 100.186
Wisconsin products, uniform, 100.14
Zinc oxide, 100.186
labor LABOR
labor and industry review commission LABOR AND INDUSTRY REVIEW COMMISSION
Appeal from judgment on compensation award, 102.25, 102.26
Appropriation, 20.445 (2)
Budget, 15.225
Chairperson, elect, 15.06 (2)
Creation, 15.225
Discrimination against disabled in post-secondary education, 106.56
Executive assistant, 230.08 (2) (m)
Fair employment matters, review power, 111.39
Judicial review, fair employment orders, 111.395
Worker's compensation, 102.23, 102.24
Powers and duties, 103.04
laboratories LABORATORIES
Approval, certification, standards, 93.12
Cancer reporting, 255.04
Certification program, 299.11
Laboratory of hygiene, see Hygiene Laboratory
Registration or certification required, 299.11
la follette, robert m., institute of public affairs LA FOLLETTE, ROBERT M., INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS
Established, 36.25 (23)
lakes LAKES
land and water conservation board LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION BOARD
land contracts LAND CONTRACTS
land patents LAND PATENTS
land surveyors and surveys LAND SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS
landlord and tenant LANDLORD AND TENANT
Generally, Ch. 704
Abandoned property of tenant, 704.05 (5)
Abandonment by tenant, recovery for damages, mitigation, 704.29
Absconding without paying rent, 943.215
Terminates lease, 704.19 (6)
Agricultural leases:
Croppers contracts:
Generally, 241.03
Removal of tenant, 710.10
Limitation on term, I, 14
Alterations or additions by tenant, 704.05 (3)
Effect of, 704.09
Waste by subtenant, liability, 844.06
Writing required, 704.03 (3)
Automatic renewal clause, when enforceable, 704.15
Cable and other video service, multiunit dwellings, landlord may not prevent connection, 66.0421
Carbon monoxide detectors, residential buildings, 101.149, 101.647
Condemnation, replacement housing, 32.19
Condominium, conversion to, tenant's rights, 703.08
Cropper contracts, see Agricultural leases, under this head
Definitions, 704.01
Energy efficiency standards, 101.122
Eviction actions:
See also Termination of tenancies, under this head
Adjournments, 799.27 (1)
Appeals, 799.445
Attorney fees, 799.25 (10) (b)
Commencement, 799.40 (1)
Complaint, 799.41, 799.42
Defendant's pleading, 799.43
Joinder of other claims, 799.40 (2)
Long-term lease, 704.35
Order for judgment, 799.44
Procedure, 799.01
Restitution, writ of, 799.44, 799.45
Return date, 799.05 (3)
Service, 799.05 (3)
No personal service, proceedings, 799.16
Trial by jury, 799.21 (3) (a)
Failure to pay rent, notice terminating tenancies, 704.17
Foreclosure against landlord:
Effect, 708.02
Notice to tenants, 704.35, 846.35
Gambling operation by tenant, terminates lease, 823.20
Holding over after termination of lease:
Generally, 704.25